Peter Atsu Adaletey – Ghana

Art Forms: Dance, Acting, and Poetry.

Participants: females (18-23)

Country: Ghana

My approach to talent-development projects, especially those that hinge on women empowerment has been worthy.

My last project was a pageant event strategically designed to discover intelligent
and talented girls in a community. The organizers, made up of a council of queen
mothers and entrepreneurs, structured the project by using talent as a bait to
discover talented girls in the community and using them to promote female
education. It was also an opportunity which exposed us to the challenges most of
the girls were faing with regards to education. I worked with the team as the
talent coach.

Most of the girls engaged in the event had no / not enough funds to continue with education. Having realized that I, together with some women activists decided to identify their needs especially in the area of education so we address this. Personally, I started with Edem Ruth. The idea is to keep her actively involved in live theatre projects as well as raising funds for her to continue with her education. This and others will follow same map.

I believe that life is only worthy of living when one genuinely searches for a need, use his/her creative abilities and experience to address that need.

Shawkiyatu Sulley, John Kaledzi and Theophilus Baiden-Amissah are some of the dedicated artists who assisted me with this worthy project.